

  1. European Pellet Centre – a Promotion and Information Program on Pellets (2003-2005)
  2. REGBIE – Regional Bioenergy Initiatives Around Europe (2003-2005)
  3. Centre of Excellence (2003-2005)
  4. Production of Hot Tap Water in Residential Buildings (2000-2004)
  5. Developing DH/CHP system in CEEC (2003-2005)
  6. Energy Management in Residential Buildings (1996-2000)
  7. Organization for Promotion of Energy Technologies – OPET (1999-2005)
  8. Sustainable Production and Use of Wood Residues for Energy Purposes (1999-2000)
  9. Self-Audyt in Industry (2000-2001)
  10. Offshore Wind Energy in Europe (1999-2001)
  11. German – Polish Cross Border OPET (1999-2001)
  12. Twinning Networking (1996-1997)
  13. Joint Implementation Project on Landfill Gas Extraction Within the FCCC Program (1998-1999)
  14. SCORE – Polish – Dutch Program for Energy Efficiency in Buildings (1997-1999)
  15. Femopet (1997-1998)
European Pellet Centre – a Promotion and Information Program on Pellets (2003-2005)
The project is prepared to gather the scattered knowledge on wood pellets and to further disseminate the information to promote this highly processed biofuel. The technical, environmental and economic issues will be taken into account. The project is supposed to assure objective information on the European pellet market and creating a database on wood pellets.


REGBIE – Regional Bioenergy Initiatives Around Europe (2003-2005)
The project fully covers the need to define and strengthen the roles of bioenergy in regions. BAPE focuses on development of energy planning in municipalities and using the biomass potential for energy purposes. It is also planned to introduce complicated biomass technologies into the Polish market. Special attention will be put to combined heat and power production from biomass.


Centre of Excellence (2003-2005)
The project was prepared to promotion and implementation of new energy technologies. A new information center will both provide the knowledge on new energy solutions and drag foreign investors to the Polish market. The project is aimed at innovative technologies aimed at decreasing energy consumption ad increase in renewable energy sources share in the primary energy mix, with special focus on small scale CHPs, biomass utilization, energy saving in buildings, wind power and energy audit in industry.


Production of Hot Tap Water in Residential Buildings (2000-2004)
The project aims at increasing energy efficiency in hot tap water production and distribution in Poland. Analyses of the technical condition of the existing hot tap water systems were prepared within the project and the quality of water defined. The analyses allowed preparation of the list of improvements in the aspect of hot tap water preparation. A set of demo projects was realized in the housing sectors and the results of the project were disseminated.Materials:


Developing DH/CHP system in CEEC (2003-2005)
The project is a part of activities undertaken under the OPET network auspices. It is aimed at disseminating information on new technologies based on combined heat and power production and district heating systems with special focus to market issues. The activities will be performed by the OPET network members and other energy market actors. BAPE focuses on the promotion of small scale CHPs.Materials:


Energy Management in Residential Buildings (1996-2000)
The program, financed by the Danish Energy Agency, was realised by Polish and Danish partners: Baltic Energy Conservation agency, National Energy Cosnervation Agency, COWI, Danish Technological Institute. The program was aimed at elaborating methodological and calculation tools for preparing energy audits and running energy management in residential buildings. Besides, BAPE was equipped with measuring equipment for evaluating boilers’ operation and quality of air in buildings.


Organization for Promotion of Energy Technologies – OPET (1999-2005)
Organization for Promotion of Energy Technologies- OPET was founded by the European Commission at the Directorate General for Energy and Transport to promote renewable energy sources and energy efficiency. The organization consists of more than 40 energy agencies throughout Europe. The main goals of the OPET network creating a platform for information exchange, promotion of innovative energy systems, observing the market and evaluation of energy systems on the environment. BAPE joined OPET in 1999 and currently focuses on promotion of combined heat and power production and district heating systems.


Sustainable Production and Use of Wood Residues for Energy Purposes (1999-2000)
The aim of the project was to create a system of wood chip production and wood chip heating to diminish the negative impact of energy systems on the environment. During the realization of the program, wood chip boilers of the total 7 MW capacity were installed in a hospital, forestry offices and housing.


Self-Audyt in Industry (2000-2001)
The project was realized in the Polish – Dutch – and Irish cooperation and was aimed at increasing energy efficiency in industry by promotion of self – audit – a tool for energy saving in companies. During the project, a number of energy audits was prepared, company representatives were trained to audit the energy consumption and implement steps towards reducing the amount of energy consumed in technological processes. A handbook on self-audit was prepared and published and a workshop for participants realized.


Offshore Wind Energy in Europe (1999-2001)
The overall objective of the OWEE project is to support the realization of offshore wind energy by mobilizing available but scattered knowledge from previous/on-going national and EU efforts, upgrading this knowledge into coherent views and disseminating the results back into the offshore wind energy community. The purpose of this Knowledge Dissemination and Exploitation Plan is to optimize the involvement of target groups, the transfer of resulting knowledge to the various target groups, the exploitation benefits for the participants. This target group is basically an audience of professionals involved either partly or fully in the actual realization of offshore wind energy.


German – Polish Cross Border OPET (1999-2001)
The main objectives of the project are to develop collaboration on environmentally-friendly energy uses, particularly in addressing the considerable potential for renewable energy sources in Poland. Increase in energy efficiency as well as environmental benefits of the project should stimulate certain sectors of the economy including SME and improve Poland’s position with regard to EU regulations and competition in the energy market. The project addressed all the sectors and stages in the energy arena from material producers to policy -makers to realize suitable energy initiatives as fully as possible. The project facilitated technology transfer between the EU and Poland, including opening up the market to EU technology, enforced energy conservation and use of renewable energy sources, raised awareness and know-how among various market actors, and, in general -improved environmental quality. Development of wind energy and biomass were particularly important components of the project, given Poland’s considerable potential for this type of energy generation. Also, extra attention was put to promotion o the Green Paper “Towards the Security of energy Supply”.


Twinning Networking (1996-1997)
The program, financed by the European Commission, was realised by energy agencies from Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Finland, Denmark and Great Britain. Energy auditing, renewable energy sources and energy planning were the mian fields of activities in the programme. Partners exchanged experiences in these fields to work out a common methodology.


Joint Implementation Project on Landfill Gas Extraction Within the FCCC Program (1998-1999)
The main objective of the project was to limit the emissions of the landfill gas to the soil and atmosphere as well as electricity production. Technical and economic analyses were conducted and a variant of a gas power station was selected. The 400 kW power generating system is supplied with landfill gas extracted from 15 ha of the landfill by 40 wells. Annual power production is 3,2 kWh. The investment contributes to annual CO2 emission decrease equals 30 000 t and significant decrease in methane emissions. BAPE prepared the project financing and is monitoring the installation’s operation.


SCORE – Polish – Dutch Program for Energy Efficiency in Buildings (1997-1999)
SCORE was a Polish – Dutch program promoting energy efficiency in buildings. Within the project, BAPE prepared a handbook on energy efficiency, energy planning, economic optimization of energy investments, steps toward raising public awareness and education on energy saving. The hand book was based both on Polish expertise and foreign experiences related to environmental education. Also, a concept of heat supply in a village, based exclusively on renewable energy sources, was prepared.


Femopet (1997-1998)
FEMOPET was an organization of central and eastern European energy agencies associated with OPET – Organization for Promotion of Energy Technologies. Apart from developing the network with CEEC energy agencies, FEMOPET was focused on cooperation with local energy producers, energy equipment producers, energy utilities, local authorities and energy recipients to disseminate information on new energy technologies, promotion of research and alternative energy solutions.Three Polish energy agencies participated in the FEMOPET network: the Baltic Energy Conservation Agency, the Upper-Silesian Energy Conservation Agency and the National Energy Conservation Agency that constituted the FEMOPET POLAND KAPE-BAPE-GRAPE. Since 1999 BAPE has been an OPET member.