E-TREAM E-learning for training energy agencies in mobility management and alternative fuels
The objective of e-TREAM was to complement the activities of the STEER-projects, implemented in the first Intelligent Energy – Europe (IEE) call by integrating their training modules in an e-learning platform open for all Energy Agencies and other relevant actors. The partner Energy Agencies used their new skills for implementing mobility services in their regions and to attract local actors to take up the topic of sustainable mobility. As a general aim it was intended to reduce energy consumption and promote the use of alternative fuels and more sustainable transport modes.
An important impact of the project was an increase in awareness of mobility topics for all target groups. The Energy Agencies outside the consortium got motivated to take up the topic of mobility, train their staff and implement own mobility related services. The key market actors had an increased awareness of the opportunities of alternative fuels and mobility management. They were integrated in the project with the establishment of the Local Steering Committees. The “mobile citizen” received information about sustainable mobility and new opportunities for his “mobile life”. This can foster a change of behaviour and the acceptance of traffic planning measures, more sustainable transport modes and alternative fuels.
E-learning platform: 9 modules for individual training sessions translated in 10 European languages to enhance the transport knowledge of the Energy Agencies in Europe. At least 500 students were projected to take part in the training.
Regional services: Extension of the services of the Energy Agencies in the field of mobility. At least 13 new services were be implemented in the regions of the Energy Agencies, who were partners in the project e-TREAM.
Expert Board: Attend the partner Energy Agencies all the way from training to the implementation of first pilot projects.
The e-TREAM project was co-financed by the European Union within the frame of the Intelligent Energy for Europe Programme.