Renewable energy sources
Promotion of renewable energy sources is one of BAPE’s statutory goals. The most important actions taken in this field include:
- Designing straw and wood fired heating stations/installations
- Implementation of new fuels to the Polish market (wood chips, wood pellets)
- Designing solar installations
- Designing of landfill gas extraction and utilization
- Assistance on the development of wind farms
- Educational activities
- Consulting

Energy planning
In the field of energy planning BAPE offers development of projects of energy supply plans for communes and municipalities. These are obligatory documents (according to the Energy Law) describing and evaluating present situation in the commune regarding heat, electricity and gaseous fuels supply, forecasting activities towards rationalizing utilization of these fuels and defining possibilities to utilize surplus energy as well as local energy and fuel sources (taking into consideration CHP production and waste heat management).

Due diligence for wind farms
BAPE offers complete due diligence for wind farms including legal audit, technical audit, financial and fiscal audit. We have completed DD for wind farms of total capacity of 1 588 MW.
- DD for WF of 60 MW for Tauron Ekoenergia Sp z o.o. (2013)
- DD for WF of 20 MW for Tauron Ekoenergia Sp z o.o. (2013)
- DD for WFs of 12 and 45 MW for Tauron Ekoenergia Sp z o.o. (2012)
- DD for WFs of total capacity 853 MW for CEZ Poland Distribution B.V. (2011)
- DD for WFs of total capacity 14 MW for Tauron Ekoenergia Sp. z .o.o. (2011)
- DD for WF 30,75 MW for Tauron Ekoenergia Sp z o.o. (2011)
- DD for WF of 20 MW for Ferrero (2011)
- DD for WFs of total capacity 206 MW for CEZ (2010)
- DD for WFs of total capacity 100 MW for Tauron Ekoenergia Sp. z o.o. (2010)
- DD for WF 40 MW for Tauron Ekoenergia Sp. z o.o.
- DD for WFs for Jeleniogórskie Elektrownie Wodne (2009)

Energy audit
- Energy audits of residential and public buildings
- Energy audits of heat sources and heating networks
- Energy audits in industry
- Electo-energy audits and audits of lighting
- Preparation of thermal renovation financing

Thermal imaging
- Examination of the quality and condition of thermal insulation of buildings
- Detection of thermal bridges
- Location of moisture in walls, ceilings, etc.
- Assessment of the quality of windows and doors
- Detecting leaks and heat losses in heating installations
- Assessment of operation of solar collectors
- Assessment of the quality of floor heating
- Leak testing of ventilation and air-conditioning
- Location of underground heating networks
- Control of heat hubs and chambers
- Fault detection – electrical installations, transformers, distribution systems, electrical connectors
- Diagnostics of electrical and electromechanical devices operation

Energy performance certificates
Energy performance certificate is a document showing energy assessment of the building in terms of fulfilling applicable technical and construction requirements. BAPE develops:
- Energy performance certificates of buildings
- Energy performance characteristics of buildings for building permit design
- Feasibility studies of rational use of high-efficient alternative systems of energy and heat supply for building permit design

Financial engineering
- Applications for funding of projects in the field of energy efficiency and RES
- Feasibility studies
- Analyses of operating costs incurred by a company related to the consumption of heat, electricity and searching for means of reducing costs
- Assessment of economic viability of new technologies related to RES, saving plans at workplaces (energy consumption monitoring)
- Mediation between customers and financing institutions

Educational activities
- Courses on the development of energy performance of buildings
- Information meetings for residents of municipalities, students and other interested parties about energy efficiency and RES
- Seminars on energy audits, renewable energy development, energy planning, energy management in housing, energy auto-audit in industry
- Participation in regional, national and international conferences to promote energy efficiency and use of renewable energy
- Publications

Ecological effect – monitoring
The aim of projects carried out by BAPE is to improve energy efficiency and increase RES share. It results in GHGs emission reduction. Most of the projects benefiting from financial support are subject to verification of the results achieved in terms of reducing energy demand, energy production from renewables and reducing pollution. BAPE performs:
- Analysis based on actual data
- Measurements after investment completion
- Reports from monitoring and verification of projects’ effects