Green ProcA – Green Public Procurement in Action
The main objective of ProcA is the promotion of green public procurement (GPP) among public authorities. The project primarily focusses on signatories of the Covenant of Mayors (CoM) addressing GPP in their Sustainable Energy Action Plans (SEAP). Furthermore, local authorities that are on the brink of becoming CoM signatory or have other voluntary targets for enhancing energy efficiency or reducing CO2emissions may also qualify for receiving support in ProcA.
The main elements of ProcA to promote GPP are:
ProcA will collaborate with national and international network partners of the public sector, for example the Covenant of Mayors Office, communal/city networks or associations, and also e-procurement platforms.
ProcA is supported through the European Commission’s Intelligent Energy Europe (IEE) program. It runs from March 2014 until August 2016.
More information available at