SWIP – New innovative solutions, components and tools for the integration of wind energy in urban and peri-urban areas The main objective of the SWIP project is to develop and validate innovative solutions for small and medium size wind turbines to improve their competitiveness, enabling and facilitating the integration and deployment…
Streetlight – EPC: Triggering the market uptake of energy performance contracting through street lighting refurbishment projects Most European regions have not yet seen a significant development of energy performance contracting (EPC). Energy performance contracting can be a very good solution to make street lighting refurbishment happen: guaranteed energy services in…
goEco – Development and Implementation of Integrated energy Concepts in Business Parks The project goEco, funded by the European program “Intelligent Energy Europe”, has the goal to develop and to implement energy concepts and action plans in selected business parks in eight European countries. Business parks (or business district areas) offer…
Green ProcA – Green Public Procurement in Action The main objective of ProcA is the promotion of green public procurement (GPP) among public authorities. The project primarily focusses on signatories of the Covenant of Mayors (CoM) addressing GPP in their Sustainable Energy Action Plans (SEAP). Furthermore, local authorities that are on…
BIOTEAM – Optimizing Pathways and Market Systems for Enhanced Competitiveness of Sustainable Bioenergy and Technologies in Europe The BIOTEAM project goals are to: Assess the sustainability performance (or impact) of a number of (existing and planned) bio-energy pathways (six countries). Check the relevance of alternative (non-energy) use pathways for the…
SolidStandards – Enhancing the implementation of quality and sustainability standards for solid biofuels The SolidStandards project addresses the on-going development of standards and certification systems for the quality and sustainability of solid biofuels. The project aimed at enhancing the uptake of standards within the industry by providing training on standards implementation…
ENNEREG – Regions paving the way for a Sustainable Energy Europe ENNEREG was a European Project supported by the Intelligent Energy ‐ Europe programme which started on 1 May 2010 and ran until 30 April 2013.The aim of ENNEREG was to establish and inspire EU Regions to take up the…
FOREST – FOsteRing Efficient long term Supply parTnerships FOREST was a pan-European project focused on working with business in the biomass heating supply chain to develop a more profitable and successful business sector. Supported by the Intelligent Energy Europe Programme (IEE) and working across seven European regions, we shared and…
Pellets@las – Development and promotion of a transparent European Pellets Market – Creation of a European real-time Pellets Atlas The general aim of the pellets@las project was to promote the development of a transparent and stable European pellet market. Therefore, the main action of the pellets@las was the collection and provision of…
ClearinHouse Support – Paving Way for Better Energy Performance of Buildings in Europe The ClearSupport project was contributing to facilitate implementation of energy savings in buildings and was linked with EU policy goals. Clearinghouse Support was a pilot initiative for the practical implementation of these policy goals by providing direct assistance…
E-TREAM E-learning for training energy agencies in mobility management and alternative fuels The objective of e-TREAM was to complement the activities of the STEER-projects, implemented in the first Intelligent Energy – Europe (IEE) call by integrating their training modules in an e-learning platform open for all Energy Agencies and other…
REGBIE+ Regional Initiatives Increasing the Market for Biomass Heating in Europe The project was launched in January 2007 to strengthen the regional uptake of biomass heating and involves 13 partners from 11 EU countries. The project officially ended June 2009, but many partners continue activities started within the project. The objectives…
EL-EFF Region: Boosting efficiency in electricity use in 8 European Regions Electricity consumption is rising, in some areas with alarming speed. There is a strong risk that the increase in electricity consumption will overcompensate the growth in electricity production from renewable energy sources. A considerable lack of awareness about these…
SEC-Tools: Sustainable Energy Communities – Tools Communities in New EU Member States and Accession Countries are faced with a big need for energy efficiency improvements and further utilisation of renewable energy. The SEC Tools action entailed a systematic approach to meet this challenge in form of Refining and elaborating generic tools…
Bio-NETT – Developing local supply chain networks for linking Bio-fuel producers with public sector users The Bio-NETT project was realized within the Intelligent Energy-Europe programme and it focused on the promotion and dissemination of “know-how” on local markets for bio-fuels. It was to stimulate the development of the supply chain from…
ROSH – Development and marketing of integrated concepts for energy efficient and sustainable retrofitting of social housing ROSH stands for retrofitting of social housing and was an European project for developing and marketing integrated concepts for energy efficient and sustainable retrofitting of social housing funded by Intelligent Energy Europe. The…